Breaking Forth into Rapid Manifestation

August 29th, 2017 | Impact House

August 29th, 2017 | Impact House

God's intention for you and I is to manifest to our world. The world is actually waiting for our manifestation-Rom 8:19. You are not destined to be lost in the crowd. You are meant to be above only and not beneath. There is a major requirement before you can manifest to your world, it's called PRAYER.

What is Prayer?

  1. Prayer is communication between man and his creator
  2. Prayer is seeking divine intervention over any given situation on the basis of God’s word.
  3. It's a medium of securing help and assistance from God.

Rapid Manifestation cannot happen without prayer-Matt 7:8, Matt 17:21. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray in Luke 11:1-5.

Procedure for Acceptable Prayer

  • Gain Access by having a Father in Heaven: In Luke 11:2, it’s very obvious that we need to have a Father in heaven to pray acceptably
  • Hallow His name: Luke 11:2, John 4:23 "But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit..." Ps 100:4 "Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise..." This means that you have to praise Him in prayers
  • Thy Kingdom Come: Praying Kingdom advancement prayers is important to securing answers to your prayers. This kind of prayers gives you special attention – Matt 6:33
  • Thy will be done: Knowing the will of God is important to securing answers to your prayers - 1 John 5:14-15. You need to know Gods will for you through His word and make your request based on that word
  • Make your requests: Luke 11:3-5: After the above conditions, have been meet, then you can make your requests easily.

Kinds of Prayer that Brings Rapid Manifestation

  • Passionate/Fervent Prayer: It is your passion that gives your portion in Life. 2Chro 7:14, Jabez - 2Chro 4:10. Your prayer must be fervent to produce result - James 5:16
  • Desperate Prayer: Desperate prayer always secure heavens attention - Hezekiah (Isa 38:1-5)
  • Consistent Prayer: Most Christians are not consistent in prayers at all. Anna was consistent in prayer-Luke 2:36-37, Ps 55:17 - David, Daniel
  • Prayer of Faith: Every one that doubts cannot get anything from God - Mark 11:23-24, James 1:6-8. Only Prayers of faith can get God's attention
  • Prayer with Boldness: You must know that God loves you and you must be confident in prayer - Heb 4:16, Rom 8:32


  • Glory: Only those that pray see the glory of God-2 Chro 7:1.
  • Power: Ps 61:11 "God has spoken once..." Prayer births power. Jesus operated in power thru His prayer life - Mark 1:35-37(Jesus) James 5:17 - Elijah. Power is a product of prayer. The hour of prayer is the hour of power
  • Revival: Prayer births revival.The disciples were revived in prayer - Acts 2:1-4
  • Connection with Gods Presence: When d spirit id man is united with the spirit of God an atmosphere is created and that atmosphere is Gods presence
  • Door way to Vision and Purpose: Hab 2:1-2;The watch tower is the place of prayer.Every man or woman of prayers receives direction for vision and mission accomplishment
  • Prayer births Purity: Prayer keeps you from sin and sin keeps you from prayer - Luke 9:29
  • Prayer Changes you identity: Jacobs identity was changed in the place of prayer - Gen 32:28. Jabez(1 Chro 4:10) destiny was changed in prayer - YOU ARE NEXT